Waste Evacuation
Organic Waste Evacuation
No matter what kind of business or organization you run, the odds are that you will need some kind of organic waste management. From offices with canteens to fast food shops and restaurants, we offer organic waste and food recycling collections for companies of all sizes.
At Waste2table Limited, we specialize in running a convenient and cost effective organic waste management service.
When you organize your organic waste collection through Waste2table, we go above and beyond to make sure that the service you receive is tailored to your need.
Organic Waste Recycling Service
We can process large amounts of organic waste and help turn them into usable products. The Organic waste we can process includes:
- Industrial food by-product, solid and liquid wastes.
- Waste from agriculture, manufacturing, as well as waste from food and drink processing.
- Out-of-Date, unsaleable food, and food from shops/supermarkets.
- Food preparation waste and left-over food from restaurants and cafes.
- Packaged food waste.
- Bakery waste.
- Market waste.
- Abattoir waste.